Crown Cleaning
Crown cleaning removes dead, dying, diseased, broken, or weakly attached limbs from a tree. This reduces the risk of tree parts falling on objects or people. It also improves the appearance and health of the tree. Mature trees with good structure usually only require this type of tree trimming. Cleaning does not remove live interior growth unless the sprouts are damaged, diseased, or have the potential to interfere with others. The removal of foreign objects such as nails, wire, chains, and string is also preformed during this time. Lastly, parasitic plants like Spanish moss and mistletoe can be removed or reduced to alleviate mechanical stress on limbs and increase photosynthetic capacity by removing the shade present from these plants.

Pictured above is before and after crown cleaning on two mature pine trees. These trees required crown cleaning in order to remove several large dead limbs over the house and yard. Removing the deadwood reduced the risk of it falling and damaging the roof, or hitting a person in the yard.