Land Clearing and Lot Clearing in Greater Houston
Our arborists are experts and helping you through the land clearing process. From assessing the health of trees on your raw land to be cleared to creating a tree preservation plan we can help you every step of the land clearing process. Once a plan is developed our land clearing team can quickly turn your wooded lot into open land ready for new construction.
Undeveloped land is a valuable and diminishing resource. Dense tree growth, thick underbrush, and hazardous terrain make land clearing a serious business

Need land cleared? Our arborists can help you through every step of the land clearing process. |
There are several steps to the land development process, each with their own set of concerns.
Step 1: Tree Removal
- Removal by Machine
Many types of large machinery can be use to clear trees from your property. We employ a diverse fleet of equipment, each piece suited for a specific purpose. This helps us provide our customers with the best option for their specific site.
Removal by Hand
Some sites may not have enough room to safely operate large equipment and fell tall trees. Tree removal by hand is usually the most expensive and time consuming method, however it can be the best alternative when large equipment is not an option.See more about tree removal.
Step 2: What to do with all the Wood:
There are several options for disposing of the wood after the trees have been cut down.
- Tub Grinding
A tub grinder can be placed on site to grind up virtually any wood or organic debris on site leaving behind piles of fresh mulch. The mulch can be used throughout the property or hauled away in dump trucks. - Burning
Burning can be a cost effective option to dispose of cleared wood and debris but it also comes with a considerable risk of spreading fire. Depending on the local laws and conditions at your site we can burn debris on-site using special equipment to help minimize the amount of smoke and risk associated with burning large piles of wood. - Piling or Dumping Offsite
Often property owners want to develop a portion of their property while leaving the remaining property untouched. In this scenario, moving all the wood into forested or unused parts of the property to decay over time can be a very cost effective option. - Harvesting Timber
If the trees on your property are mostly pine, oak, walnut, or hickory and are straight enough to cut a 9’ log then selling the timber to a sawmill may be a good way to offset some cost. Our experienced staff can help you with the process of selling your timber.Caution: The weight and leverage provided by the tree are necessary to unearth the stump and main root structure of the tree. If the timber is cut prior to pushing the tree over the remaining stump can be very costly and time consuming to remove.
- Pulp Wooding
Pulp wood companies reduce wood down to pulp for manufacturing paper based goods. Depending on the amount and type of wood on your property a pulp wood company may be interested in purchasing or removing some of the wood.
Step 3: Stump Removal
Tree stumps are difficult to handle to say the least. They take a long time to burn and are extremely heavy and hard to move even with equipment. There are several effective options for disposing of the unearthed stump and root ball. See more about stump grinding.
- Burying Stumps
Burying is the most popular and often cheapest option for disposing of stumps. Also, if the conditions on your property are suitable the displaced dirt from the hole can be used as fill during a later stage of development. - Stump Grinding
In cases where the stump was not removed with the tree grinding may be the best option. We can avoid the time consuming task of digging a stump out by using a stump grinder to grind the stump below the surface. - Haul Off
Hauling stumps to a dump can be quite expensive due to the size and weight. Many wood grinders cannot handle the dirt filled root ball making disposal difficult. When there is no place left to go hauling stumps away may be the only option. - Relocation/Reuse
On some properties stumps can be reused to provide erosion control or habitat for fish at the bottom of lakes and ponds. There are many creative ways to reuse or relocate old stumps so start brainstorming early!
Step 4: Cleaning Things Up
- Root Removal
Heavily wooded properties have an extensive underground network of roots that may be unsuitable for construction projects. In this situation a root rake can be used to remove the majority of the remaining root system leaving fresh tilled dirt in its place. - Leveling and Grading
After removing all the trees, stumps, and roots what’s left is usually an uneven mess with large holes where the trees once stood. We can use graders and bull dozers to reestablish the grade on your property and supply any material needed to finish the job. This helps to prepare your site for future construction and prevents many drainage and maintenance problems that occur with unfinished land.
Step 5: Erosion Control & Maintenance
Even if you are planning to build on your site immediately after it has been cleared it’s good practice to put some thought into controlling long term erosion and maintenance issues.
- Seeding
There are several types of cover crops that can be planted and easily maintained in the short and long term. Although there are several options Tall Fescue is the most popular pasture grass in the U.S. Our consultants can help you make an informed decision on proper erosion control. - Brush Hogging and Herbicidal Control
In any situation an open field with quickly return back to its original wooded state if preventative measures are not taken. Mowing or brush hogging your property at least once every 1-2 years is imperative to maintain your freshly cleared site. Selective herbicides can be used to prevent the growth of broadleaf plants and brush. Let us help you design and execute your long term maintenance plan.
As you can see there are many options for clearing and developing your property. Our experienced staff is available to assist you at every stage of land development. Simply fill out an estimate request online or give us a call to see how our experience and equipment can make a difference in your next project!