Tree Removal Houston
Removing a tree in Houston can be quite different than other areas. Our climate, species, and level of professionalism combines for unique challenges. Tree removal Houston is best entrusted to professionals with experience in our area.

Houston’s unique climate effects our trees in many ways making tree removal more risky. The high moisture is a breeding ground for decay while the clay soil leaves little oxygen for roots to thrive. Storms wreak havoc with wind and flood damage.
Tree Species
Wood density can hide internal decay. Knowing what trees in Houston are suseptable to what types of disease and the signs to look for is essential. Poor structure complicates removal. Frequently trees are left to grow as they please without proper pruning to promote good structure. Crossing, rubbing, stubbed limbs, and co-dominate stems can all compromise tree health and stability and make tree removal Houston difficult. Many tree species often found in Houston have a short life expectancy. Such as bradford pears and water oaks. Once these trees reach the end of their life expectancy, branch failure becomes a high risk situation.

Level of Professionalism

Little training and misinformation is to blame for a slew of construction damage to trees in the Houston area. Unless the damage is extreme, the trees may not die immediately but could decline over several years. With this delay, many times the loss of a tree is not associated with construction. An arborist is intrumental in the planning stage of construction. An arborist can help decide which trees can be saved and how to save them, working with the builder thought each phase rather than coming in afterwards with little to no hope of reversing damage already done.